
Friday, August 19, 2011

Book Blogger Hop 12

The Book Blogger Hop is a weekly meme hosted by Jennifer at Crazy for Books.

This week's question is:

What's the LONGEST book you've ever read?

Gosh! I turned straight to Goodreads for the answer to this one. Looks like the longest book I've read in the last couple of years was Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke. 1,024 pages, but it was a fast read. It's set in an alternate Napoleonic England, and features two dueling mages and heartless meddling faery folk. I loved it! This has to be one of my favorite books of all time.


  1. This is a book that many coworkers have talked to me about. In my youth I read LONG books all the time but these days I admit I'm a little daunted by anything like that--too much commitment!

  2. It is very long! I started to read it a while back, but ended up setting it down and not picking it back up. It didn't seem to hold my interest.

  3. I still haven't read this one although it's been on my tbr list for a long time. Maybe I'll grab it once I work my way through my current stack...

  4. Had a hard time with this one. Started it, but didn't finish. I think sometimes longer books take more patience, and I guess I just wasn't in the mood....maybe I'll try it again some day.

  5. I haven't heard of this book. Sounds interesting though.

    New Follower!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Kristin @ Better Read Than Dead

  6. I've had this book on my list for ages, but I had no idea it was so long! It's going to take me forever to read when I finally get around to it lol. Glad to hear that you enjoyed it so much though! Happy Friday!

  7. I haven't come across this book but it sounds fun.
    I'm following you now.

  8. That is a long book! Never heard of it before. Thanks for stopping by:)

  9. Thanks for visiting my blog. I haven't heard of that (holy cow, long!) book. But I love it when I'm enjoying a book so much that the pages fly by. :)
    Have a great weekend.
