
Sunday, January 29, 2012

ALA Midwinter 2012 Recap

ALA Midwinter, hosted this year in Dallas, Texas, is always a quieter, tamer conference than ALA Annual, held in the summer. I had a great time - I did my graduate work at UT Austin, so returning to Texas was a great opportunity for me to reconnect with a lot of my friends and former colleagues in Texas. I've already talked about my reactions to the Newbery, Caldecott and Printz wins.

I took fairly detailed notes on the whole trip - but rather than giving a blow-by-blow account, I decided to try to boil things down to the bare essence. 

I had a Texas breakfast!

Saw a bluegrass band, playing for the opening of the Exhibit Hall.

Here's a quick overview of books that caught my attention last weekend. Unless otherwise noted, they are available now.

I liked the looks of these.

Charles Dickens: Scenes from an Extraordinary Life - Mick Manning, Brita Granstrom
Levi Strauss Gets a Bright Idea - Tony Johnston, Stacy Innerst
Martin de Porres: The Rose in the Desert - Gary D. Schmidt, David Diaz (due out in June 2012)
First Girl Scout: The Life of Juliette Gordon Low - Ginger Wadsworth  (due out in February 2012)


Beetle Book - Steve Jenkins (due out in April 2012)
Gifts from the Gods - Lise Lunge-Larsen, Gareth Hinds
Don't Sit On the Baby!: The Ultimate Guide to Sane, Skilled, and Safe Babysitting - Hally Bondy (due out in June 2012)
Knitted Dinosaurs: Tina Barrett


Over and Under the Snow - Kate Messner
Extra Yarn - Mac Barnett, Jon Klassen
The Woods - Paul Hoppe
And Then It's Spring - Julie Fogliano, Erin Stead (due out in February 2012)
Otter and Odder - James Howe, Chris Raschka (due out in October 2012)
Virginia Wolf - Kyo Maclear, Isabelle Arsenault (due out in March 2012)

It looks to be at a beginning reader level. It's due out in February. The first one is called Penny and Her Song.

It's a chapter book!

Nancy Clancy, Super Sleuth - Jane O'Connor, Robin Preiss Glasser (due out in April 2012)


This was to promote a summer reading program tie-in for the Ranger's Apprentice series.

The best part of this conference was, of course, all the wonderful people I met. As always, I feel refreshed, rejuvenated and recharged after the conference - ready to tackle whatever comes next.

Next week, I'll post pics of all the swag I picked up!


  1. Terrific summary of the conference, Madigan. Looks like quite a crop of new books coming out this year. Thanks for sharing your observations. I'll look for The Beetle Book in April. My beetle book is written from a slightly different angle: fiction story with non-fiction factoids.

    I like your blog, by the way. It's a good resource to come back to---lots of good content. No wonder you have so many followers. If you wish, feel free to visit my blog at: .

  2. I am so buying that Nancy Clancy book for my library. Aaah the girls are going to die when they see that! Thank you for putting it on my radar!

  3. There are waffles shaped like Texas? Wicked!

  4. @ Bill - Wow, thanks!

    @Small - I just about died when I saw it, too! I didn't get a peek inside - I'm hoping it's an early chapter book, with some color illustrations. I know it's 128 pages.

  5. @K - That waffle was delicious, by the way.

  6. It looks like you really made the most of your Midwinter experience! I missed out on the bluegrass band because I was too busy waiting in line for the exhibits to open :-)

  7. None of these awesome bookish things happen where I live, Booooo! Your waffle looked tasty, glad you had fun =D

    Tristan @ Reads With Wreckless Abandon

  8. @Tristan - You're in Canada, right? Look around - Toronto and Quebec both have some great literary festivals.
