
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Waiting on A Hero for WondLA

To describe The Search for WondLA as The Wizard of Oz meets sci-fi dystopian future doesn't even begin to do it justice. I'm so excited for the second book in the series.

A Hero for WondLA
by Tony DiTerlizzi
Simon & Schuster's Children's Books
May 2012

Finally, Eva Nine has gotten what she has always wanted: other humans. When she and her friends are rescued by Hailey, another human, Eva couldn't be happier. Now she has everything she has ever dreamed of. Hailey brings Eva and her friends to the human colony New Attica, where humans of all shapes and sizes live in apparent peace and harmony.

But all is not idyllic in New Attica, and soon Eva Nine and her friends realize that something very bad is going on--and if they don't stop it, it could mean the end of everything and everyone on Orbona.


  1. The blurb sounds really interesting, and I love the cover of the book.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  2. Read Searching for WondLA first! It is so good. Like a sci-fi Wizard of Oz, but different and (dare I say?) better.

  3. I really want to read this series - sounds so good.

    - Jessica @ Book Sake

  4. This is the second book? Oh. A sci-fi Wizard of Oz really is quite different and sounds more exciting than the original. But I did enjoy reading the original albeit it's geared toward kids.

    Thanks for stopping by. ^_^

  5. I haven't heard of this before, but it sounds very good! Thanks for sharing and for stopping by!

  6. I haven't read The Search for WondLA, but Oz and Sci-Fi? Sounds really interesting!
    Thanks for stopping by my WoW.

  7. Hi there :) just popping in...

    Sounds like an interesting and completely off my normal genre read! I like the sounds of it, thanks for sharing and stopping by!

    Waiting On Wednesday

  8. I have been wanting to read The Search for WondLa ever since I saw it in a book store a year or so ago. It looks so cool! I wish I had just bought it then, because every time I'm buying books I can't seem to find it! One of these days I'll find it again, or maybe I'll just order it online... Great pick!
