
Friday, January 18, 2013

Picture books mini-review 25

Time for a Hug
by Phyllis Gershator and Mim Green, illustrated by David Walker
Sterling Children's Books
January 2012

Sweet and cozy, this books takes readers through the daily activities of a toddler, including hugs, of course! Cute bunnies don't need much of an excuse for a hug. Reassuring rhymes make this a great choice for very young children and toddlers. Very appealing.

I borrowed this book from the library.


by Patricia Polacco
Putnam Juvenile
September 2012

A lengthy picture book that covers the problem of "cyber bullying" With mentions of Facebook and cell phones, I think this book has it's finger on the pulse of a hot issue today, but has strong potential to feel a bit dated in a few years. There's a real "after school special" feeling to this one, and it opens with a large, bold-face question, "What would you do?" Sure to be a favorite in school libraries.

I borrowed this book from the library.

Nighttime Ninja
by Barbara DaCosta, illustrated by Ed Young
Little Brown
September 2012

A little boy ninja is on a top secret mission... for chocolate. The text is quite spare, as befitting a nearly silent ninja. The multimedia collage artwork features torn magazine pages, fabric and origami paper. There's a real sense of derring do as the child ninja effortlessly leaps, jumps and climbs past any obstacle to get to his goal. What a great treat for ninja fans.

I borrowed this book from the library.

What Little Boys Are Made Of
by Robert Neubecker
Balzer + Bray
March 2012

Here's an upbeat and boy-positive picture book for little boys and their moms everywhere. What are little boys made of? "Moons and stars and rockets to Mars."

Colorful full page imaginative spreads alternate with quieter scenes of a little boy playing at home. There's a hint of troublemaker energy, but on the whole the boy in this book is more like a much sweeter, gentler Calvin (of and Hobbes fame.) Pair this with Push Button by Aliki which offers another warm and loving picture of little boys.

I borrowed this book from the library.


  1. Nighttime Ninja looks like just the ticket for my kids!

  2. Love finding new titles, and there are some great-looking ones here! We adored Nighttime Ninja too - especially love the illustrations, they are show-stoppers. :)

  3. My son and I love Night Time Ninja. The art work by Ed Young is Caldecott worthy! And we also love Patricia Polacco though we haven't read Bully yet.

    1. Love the art in Night Time Ninja - not a lot of words, but a great book if you want to sit and examine each picture. Collage traditionally hasn't done as well, or been as well respected by the Caldecotts, but I agree, I do really admire Ed Young.

      Patricia Polacco is hit or miss for me! I think Bully will be just the thing for folks who are experiencing problems, though.
