
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

10 Books I Thought I'd Like More/Less Than I Did

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week's theme is: Top Ten Books I Thought I'd Like MORE/LESS Than I Did.

Here we go!

Books I liked MORE!

1. Crossed - Ally Condie

I loved Matched so much! It read like a lighter, more romantic version of Louis Lowry's The Giver. I'd read plenty of ho-hum reviews for the sequel, and had put off reading it for quite a while. But even so, I was certain that I'd really, really like it, despite what I'd heard. When I finally dug in and started reading it... I didn't like it as much as I thought I would. I thought it really suffered from the "middle-child syndrome" that lots of trilogies have. Not enough forward action on the plot and the main characters are separated for most of this book. Still, I plan to press on and read the third book, Reached.

2. Out of the Easy - Ruta Sepetys

I like the occasional historical fiction but really prefer sci-fi, or fantasy. I loved this book about independent Josie Moraine growing up in a 1950's New Orleans bordello so much more than I thought I would. What a terrific read!

3. I'd Like to Apologize to Every Teacher I Ever Had - Tony Danza

I picked up this memoir, excited to hear about 80's sitcom star Tony Danza's foray into teaching. I was expecting, I guess, the typical first year teacher story. What I didn't expect is that Danza was actually teaching in a Philadelphia inner-city school for a "reality" television program. He only had ONE class of high school English to teach. Wait. I'll say that again for anyone who missed it. The man taught ONE class - that's it! So, I was really disappointed. I felt like I was watching Marie Antoinette "play" at being a shepherdess with a flock of perfumed sheep, not reading a real autobiography of the rigors of teaching.

4. Tim Gunn: A Guide to Quality, Taste and Style - Tim Gunn

I'm a huge Tim Gunn fan. But this book didn't offer anything new or interesting. Disappointed!

5. The Other Normals - Ned Vizzini

I'm always on the look-out for teen fiction with guy appeal, so I figured I'd give this one a whirl. I felt like it was my duty to read something "for the guys." Boy was I surprised when it pulled me in immediately, and I was enchanted! 15 year old Perry finds himself teleported to a magical realm - and his red-skinned, tailed counterpart Mortin Enaw takes his place on Earth.

6. Chime - Franny Billingsly

I love Franny Billingsly. She's an auto-buy author for me. I did like this book a lot, but it took me a lot longer to get into than I thought. If this was the first Franny Billingsly book I'd ever read, I don't know if I would have kept going! Fortunately, I did, and it won me over by the end.

7. Tolstoy and The Purple Chair: My Magical Year of Reading - Nina Sankovitch

I don't regret reading this book, but what I had not realized was that this book is really about Sankovitch's extreme grief for her sister's untimely death from cancer. It was a lot more depressing than I had anticipated. Also, it turns out, the gorgeous purple chair on the cover, only becomes Sankovitch's reading chair after a cat pees on it, and nobody else want to sit on it. Ugh!

8. Legacy - Kayla Cluver

I didn't know much about this series except that I kind of liked the cover. Wow! Loved this story about a princess in a magical kingdom and the Romeo and Juliet aspects of her romance so much!

9. The Kid: What Happened After My Boyfriend and I Decided to Go Get Pregnant - Dan Savage

I figured I'd like this book, as Dan Savage, of Savage Love advice column fame, and founder of the "It Gets Better Project" is always funny and irreverent. As a hopeful adoptive mom, it actually soothed a lot of my worries, and put me in a very upbeat state of mind. So, I thought I'd like this book, but I didn't think I'd love it as much as I did. It totally warrants a re-read, and I don't re-read books very often!

10. Daughter of Smoke and Bone - Laini Taylor

Well, I'd heard all the wonderful reviews. The breathless excitement over this wonderful new fantasy. And I figured there was no way that this book could live up to all the hype. But incredibly, it did! I had been bracing myself for disappointment, but this book surpassed my every hope and honestly is one of the best books that I've read in years. Hurrah!

Books I liked LESS!


  1. I really, really struggled with Chime. Almost abandonded it several times. So, I get you there.

    TTT at Krista's Dust Jacket

  2. It was a slow starter for me. But, I love Franny Billingsly so much, I kept with it.

  3. Out of Easy look amazing! I'm going to need to read that one soon.
    New follower
    my TTT

    1. I read it for book club and loved it! A quick read.

  4. My sentiments EXACTLY on crossed! :) Love your blog! New follower!

  5. So glad you loved Daughter of Smoke and Bone. I still need to read the second book.

    1. I still need to read the second book too. Loved, loved, loved Daughter and Smoke and Bone though. I really thought people had probably overhyped it. But fortunately, it turns out it's just not possible to say enough good things about.

  6. The Other Normals sounds great. Also I felt the same about Daughter of Smoke and Bone, I had even read the first chapters and bypassed it as just pretty writing without substance. Then the aaudio book entered my life. My favorite book actress read the audio so I listened and found that the bland "romance" of the beginning is there to show the growth of the character. I mean where that story starts and ends? it's so huge and wonderful. Daughter of Smoke and Bone - Laini Taylor
    is one of my favorites now.

  7. Thanks for sharing your top ten books! They are on my TBR pile now!

  8. Hm, Daughter of Smoke and Bone sounds more and more intriguing. Romance that is there to show the growth of a character? How refreshing!! I've been avoiding it because I find the title so annoying (there are so many books now with the title pattern "X of Y and Z"...they all blend together in my head). I was also so excited for Chime and felt a bit let down. Need to read it again to see if it grows on me.
