by James Burks
Carolrhoda BooksMarch 2012
A robot and a goat go on an adventure looking for a missing sock in this very humorous graphic-novel format picture book. Most of the characters have a squarish-robot looking feel (I thought the goat was a robot at first.) A fun intro to comic-book style reading for the younger set.
I borrowed this book from the library.
Take Your Mama to Work Today
by Amy Reichert, illustrated by Alexandra Boiger
Atheneum Books for Young Readers
March 2012
Violet's babysitter can't make it, so she must accompany her mother to work. She manages to make an absolute mess of things: hanging up on phone calls, asking illegal questions in a job interview, hogging the donuts at coffee break time, tipping over boxes of important papers, breaking the photocopier and shredder, all under the guise of being a "big help" to her mother.
The tone of this book felt a little too twee for me. I would have liked it more if irrepressible Violet was not quite so obnoxious, and if the adults facial expressions of exhaustion, embarrassment, impatience and alarm had not been so obvious. The "joke" of the book, is that Violet is delighted with all the "networking" she's been doing all day, while the adults can't wait to see her out. Ouch.
Check out Bea and Mr. Jones by Amy Schwartz for a much funnier, gentler take on "take your daughter to work day."
I borrowed this book from the library.
Oh, No, George!
by Chris Haughton
Candlewick Press
March 2012
George promises to be good. He HOPES to be good. But when left on his own, and presented with irresistible (to dogs, that is) opportunities like eating a whole cake, chasing the cat or having a lovely dig in the dirt, he just can't help himself! When his human friend Harry returns, George apologizes and turns over a new leaf. A much improved George resists -- up until the very open-ended ending. "There's nothing George likes more than digging in the trash. What will George do? George?"
This was a hit at storytime. Interestingly, most of the kids I've read this to thought that George would continue to be good, while only a few thought he'd give in and dig in the trash. There's a limited palette of colors in the retro-looking art, dominated by burnt orange. I wish the pictures had a little more color or were easier to see when reading to groups. All in all, a really fun book, though.
I borrowed this book from the library.
Baby Bear Sees Blue
by Ashley Wolff
Beach Lane Books
February 2012
A lovely introduction to colors as Baby Bear and his Mama take a walk through nature. Block-printed watercolors are attractive and bright. The story culminates in a summer storm, and a rainbow, just before Baby Bear goes to sleep.
I borrowed this book from the library.