Normally, I'd have trouble narrowing it down to just 10, but I've been feeling very choosy lately! Here are the ones that looked really appealing to me.
I Remember You - Kathleen Davitt Bell
Sounds a bit timey-wimey, with a teen romance imperiled by memories of the future.
Remember - Eileen Cook
A girl uncovers a conspiracy with her father's memory erasing company.
Immaculate - Katelyn Detweiler
A virgin finds herself pregnant... and no one believes her.
The Leveller - Julia Durango
A bounty hunter is hired to deprogram teens addicted to virtual reality.
The Memory Key - Liana Liu
In a dystopian world where everyone is losing their memories and must rely on a memory chips, a girl starts to doubt that her memory chip is working correctly.
The Orphan Queen - Jodi Meadows
Sounds like high fantasy with an imprisoned magical princess spy.
Soulprint - Megan Miranda
A girl is imprisoned because it's determined that she is the reincarnation of a famous criminal.
A Book of Spirits and Thieves - Morgan Rhodes
High fantasy, with travel between modern-day Toronto and and ancient fantasy kingdom.
A Darker Shade of Magic - V. E. Schwab
Fantasy which alternates between two very different Londons in the multiverse.
Shadow Study - Maria V. Snyder
A new spin-off of the Poison Study series.
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