
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Top Ten Non-Book Sites

Top Ten Tuesdays is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week's question is: What are your Top Ten Blogs/Sites you read that aren't about books?

Wow! This could be a tough one as I'm pretty book-obsessed. Let's see.

1. - for funny/interesting news and just random things from around the web.

2. - more internet randomness, sometimes a little more sexist or gross than I would like, but still interesting.

3. - feminist news.

4. City Data forums - I have moved around the country a lot, and I found their forums really interesting and helpful. Now I still read them to keep up with what's going on in some of my favorite cities.

5. Pinterest - It's easy to find me on Pinterest - I'm madiganreads!

6. - my favorite online dictionary. I know this one is skirting pretty close to "about books" territory, but it's not technically about books, so...

7. Twitter - Twitter can be about anything you want it to be, depending on who you follow and who you unfollow. For me, Twitter is pretty bookish, but it doesn't have to be. Again, I'm easy to find - I'm @madiganreads.

8. The Nest - I started reading this as a newlywed, and never really stopped.

9. Yahoo - Their newsfeed is another good timewaster.

Aaaaand... I'm out of ideas! Yup. Can't think of 10 non-book sites. I came close though!


  1. I love the Yahoo news feed, but most of my feeds are...yes, you guessed!...about books!

    Here's my
    Top Ten List of Sites that Aren't About Books.
    Please stop by!

  2. Not facebook? :P
    sv; Cool, gosh, I love those barefoot shoes, makes me feel like a feather! Awesome you came across my blog all the way from Atlanta(?)! :D

    1. I use facebook, but only in a limited way... to catch up on family photos.

    2. Ah, that's smart. Me too mostly, I just check in to hear from family and friends now and then.

  3. I am not sure I have seen BoingBoing before. I will have to remember that one, I can always use a little funny in my day!

    1. Wow, never heard of BoingBoing? It's more random and interesting than funny - but it is funny sometimes. I liked the Star Wars edit of "Just Uncle Owen" they posted earlier.

  4. Yes! Love Jezebel for feminist news! Have you checked out I started reading that when I felt like Jezebel's design got more unwieldy, but I still love them both!

    I'm following now! Really enjoying exploring your blog, Madigan, so glad you stopped by ours :)

    1. Thanks!

      I know what you mean about Jezebel's design... I never know where to look. Thanks for recommending thehairpin, I'll have to check it out.

  5. I actually find myself caught up in Yahoo's news feed as well. I think I like how it's organized but since I use gmail now I don't go there as often. boingboing is interesting. I have to remember all these sites people are posting!

    1. Yahoo is fast to read and interesting - I wish they didn't link to so many videos (unless the video is of something awesome, like someone's cat doing something funny)

      I used to read CNN a lot, but I don't love their new design (looks tic-tac-toe'y to me) and the international site has much better news, unlike the American fluff.

  6. Loooove Jezebel- I've only just started reading it, and I don't know why I didn't before! And also, Pinterest is the aweeeesomest :)

    1. I know! I love Pinterest. I don't know why I held out for so long.

  7. Pinterest and Twitter made my list too. I've only really looked at Reddit as of today; bookmarked :) What a fun Top Ten.
    Angela @ AJ Arndt Books Blog

    1. I apologize in advance! I read something on reddit this morning that was so disturbing... it sent me to for at least an hour to recover. You never can tell with reddit - it's pretty random.

  8. I love dictionaries, so Ninjawords is great. I like the random option. :)

    1. I LOVE Ninjawords! The layout is really clean and uncluttered, because it's designed to use on your phone, but I use it everywhere.

  9. I get emails from The Nest and never really looked into the site. Maybe I should check it out.

  10. The boards are interesting - there's a solid group of people who have been on since the beginning. I only lurk there.



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