
Thursday, January 5, 2012

2012 New Year's Resolutions

Every year I like to take a look back and see how I did on my New Year's resolutions. Last year, I pledged to blog "every day or nearly every day ." I'm not sure how in my mind that turned into "absolutely every day without fail, no exceptions," but it did. I blogged everyday last year! It was an awesome experience and I'm really glad I did it. At this point, I feel like there's nothing else I can do but slow down. I mean, I'm certainly not going to be blogging more than once a day, right? For 2012, I'm planning on blogging 3-6 times a week. Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays, for sure (as I've always done) and more if I have more to say. Mondays will be dark, so no blog entries then.

Last year
I hoped to read 150 books - and I almost, but not quite managed it. I'm ashamed to say, I picked up some books that looked short and easy to try and plump up the final number. I also stuck with it, and finished reading books that I hated so that they would "count." Ugh. So how many to shoot for in 2012? I've thrown around some different numbers in my head - 100, like I used to do? Less than that? Finally, I decided that I'm not going to set a specific number of books to read this year. How about that? I'll just do some reading, and not worry about the number of books read! How freeing. I am going to do the 2012 Debut Authors' Challenge this year, I really enjoyed doing it last year. So, I guess there is a number of books to be read: 12. Darn. 12 books in 2012, think I can manage it?

 year I reviewed 45 picture books, 36 middle-grade fiction novels, and 64 YA novels. I'm pretty sure that's the most reviews I've ever done. I kind of like that balance, but this year, I think I'm going to try to read more middle-grade fiction. I do a lot of reader's advisory at work, and it's good to stay on top of what's out there. I've kind of gone back and forth on picture book reviewing this year. Do I want to keep doing it? Part of me says, "No. Drop the picture books. Narrow your focus." But then, I'll run across some really great picture book, and I can't resist. What do you think, blog readers? Too many picture book reviews here? Too few? Just right?

The blogosphere...
I've made an effort in the past few months to comment more on other people's book blogs. I'm enjoying it! I've discovered a lot of awesome new bloggers. I guess I'm commenting on 5 or so blogs a day. I definitely want to continue doing that, but in keeping with my "no numbers, no pressure" theme for 2012, I can't promise that I'll make "x" number of comments per day or anything like that. All I can tell you is that I'm going to continue to make an effort to visit others blogs, and respond with quality comments.

So, that's it! What are your bookish New Year's resolutions this year?


  1. Holy Smokes! That is a phenomenal # of reviews! Way to go girl! I like not having a goal # of reads. We all read like banshees anyway, so big numbers will happen whether there's a goal in mind or not!

  2. Thanks! I'm curious how my numbers will look at the end of the year, but we won't know until we get there, I guess!

  3. It looks like 2011 was a very productive year for you, I hope 2012 is just as prosperous!

  4. Wow, you did a great job with your goals this past year! I like your revisions for this year. I did a post recently about my "readolutions." You can read it here:

  5. Reading should be fun! If I don't like a book after chapter one I dump it. I tired to read 100 books last year and read about 75. This year I'm trying for 100 again, but including picture books into the challenge. Plus I want to read 50 comic books as I started reviewing comic books on my blog this year. Good luck with your reading. I'm going to spend some time looking through your reviews to see if there are any books I should pick up (not that I need anymore books!)



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