A Long Way from You
by Gwendolyn Heasley
Harper Teen
June 2012
A companion novel to Where I Belong, A Long Way from You deals with many coming of age themes. 17 year old Kitsy Kidd is a talented art student from the tiny town of Broken Spoke, Texas who is off to a summer of big excitement in New York City at Parsons School of Design. It's a summer of firsts for Kitsy - first trip on an airplane, first ride on the subway or as she calls it "the underground train thing," first ever trip to an art museum, and first temptation away from her football star boyfriend Hands. Kitsy feels wracked with guilt for leaving her younger brother Kiki alone with their irresponsible and somewhat alcoholic mother, whom she calls by her first name, Amber. Her best friend from New York, Corrinne Corcoran acts as Kitsy's tour guide for the first few days, before she goes to horse camp. Pretty soon, Kitsy making her way in New York on her own, impressing her art teacher Professor Picasso just enough that he's always being hard on her. Kitsy proves you can take the girl out of Texas, but you can't take the Texas out of the girl. An impulsive trip back to Broken Spoke to confront Amber yields a tearful promise to be a better mother, as well as some award winning photos of the beautiful Texas landscape. Readers looking for a summer beach read that affirms small-town living won't be disappointed in this one.
I received a free copy of this book from the publisher.
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