
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

10 Topics that Make Me Pick Up a Book

Top Ten Tuesdays is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
This week's topic is: 
Top Ten Words/Topics That Instantly Make Me Buy/Pick Up A Book.

That's pretty easy. Here they are:

1. Dragons. I am a fool for dragons. It's true.

2. Wizards. Who doesn't love a wizard?

3. Boarding school. I adore boarding schools! What a great way to get your protagonists away from their parents, and doing something awesome, right quick.

4. Love triangle. Lots of people are tired of them, but they still have a lot of appeal for me.

5. Elves. Just like humans. But magical, and better looking!

6. Cults. Is this crazy? I love stories about folks trapped in and/or escaping from a cult.

7. Spaceships. If it's not taking place in a fantasy milieu, then a spaceship will suit me just fine.

8. Multiverse. Any kind of time-travel/alternate reality sounds good to me.

9. Faeries. Yup. Maybe it's cheating to put this on the list (as I've already mentioned elves) but, that kind of magical, otherworldly beings is sure to make for a good story, I think.

10. Dystopia. Why is this an auto-go-to for me? I guess the current times feel kind of stressful. In a weird way, it's helpful to imagine worst-case scenarios. Even in a dystopia, the hero seems to be prevailing against terrible odds. I guess what I'm trying to say is that dystopia makes me feel good because even when things are going badly (in the real world) at least they're not going as badly as that.


  1. Great list! I didn't even think of elves, but they are great in books :D. I love fairies!
    Old follower
    my TTT

  2. Your first three sounds like you're describing Harry Potter;)

    Emily from Blue-Eyed Bibliophile



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