
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Resolutions for 2011

Last year, I wrote up a set of goals for 2010.  Now that the year has ended, it's time to look back and ask, "How'd I do?"

Last year, I promised myself that I would review more picture books.  It doesn't feel like I did.  There are so very many wonderful picture books that I meant to feature on my blog, but just didn't get around to.  The numbers don't lie, however.  In 2009, I reviewed 13 lucky picture books.  In 2010, I nearly doubled that number to 24.

I committed to posting on my blog 1-3 times a week.  No problem there.  I've been very consistent in that regard.

I also promised myself not to over-twitter!  No more than a tweet or two a day.  I think I may have fallen down on that one... I've grown much more relaxed with Twitter as I've grown more accustomed to using it.  Sometimes I'll post several updates to Twitter within a few minutes, other times I won't have anything to say for a day or two, and I think that's fine.

Finally, last year I vowed to ignore the backlist titles clogging up my TBR list and stay more current.  I have to say, I found myself completely ignoring this self-imposed dicate, whimsically reading whatever struck my fancy whilst ignoring my ever-growing pile of ARCs.  I've said it before, and I'll say it a hundred times, "They write books faster than I can read them."  I really should do better in this regard.

So, what's on the agenda for 2011?
Well, more of the same, I suppose.  I'd like to continue to review more picture books.  Also, more poetry!  I'd like very much to stay current and read more things published in the current year.  I'd like to blog more -- every day or nearly every day would be nice. I'll start including the month published in addition to the year, on my book reviews.

One thing I'm excited about is the 2011 Debut Author Challenge hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.  What a great way to broaden one's horizons!  I'm definitely up for signing on to read 12 books by new authors this year.


  1. I hear you on the cries of the back list vs the lure of the new! I have that problem in spades myself.

    Good luck with your 2011 reading--I hope you find lots to make you happy!

  2. Ah yes. I keep promising myself I'll forsake backlist titles, but then I read a page or two... and I'm hooked, I have to finish it.

  3. Thought I'd return your blogging challenge visit! Didn't write down my resolutions this year as I had way, way too many. But I like yours: they seem manageable. Happy reading!

  4. Good for you for revisiting your 2010 goals.
    My mantra is "too many books, too little time." I read what I can, and what I'm drawn to.
    All the best,

  5. Oh, I know what you mean. It's time for my annual winnowing of the "books to be read list"

  6. Hi Madigan! I met you at ALA last June at the SCBWI Kidlit drink night -- the out-of-work librarian. In November, they transferred me back to a library, and I'm so pleased!

    I've been really torn about whether to try to read more current books myself. Of course, I loaded up with ARCs at ALA, and haven't read very many of them even yet.

    Right now, I have WAY too many books checked out probably to even read in a year. So I need to do that winnowing, too.

    One thing I've done since ALA is force myself to alternate: One library book, then one book (or ARC) that I own. It's helping me get to some of the books I was neglecting.

  7. Hi Sondy!
    Thanks for stopping by. My current technique for narrowing down my monster TBR pile is to make a rule that I must return MORE than I borrow at the library! It's working well so far... I've gone from 47 items checked out to only 20 or so.

    Congrats on the job! It's been a turbulent year for me... I'm now across the country in the Atlanta area, working as a public librarian.

  8. I like your 2011 goals of "more of the same"! After all, it's really hard to say you'll read MORE this year, when it's hard to imagine how that could be possible (unless one goal is "sleep less"). Have a wonderful 2011 and hope to see you in New Orleans!



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